
FOR TODAY, April 13, 2010

Outside my window…it is beautiful and sunny and oh, I love spring!

I am thinking…that it’s nice to have a week where we don’t have to do a lot of running. It seems like lately we’ve been running a lot and the only thing we have this week is a well baby appointment tomorrow for Micah and a meeting tomorrow night for Steven. Whatever will we do with all this free time? Well, if the weather holds up we’ll be outside a lot! Yea!

I am thankful for…the chance I have to be on another Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP) retreat team. My last opportunity to do this was awesome, and I LOVE this new group of women that I’ll be with so I’m very excited about it!

From the learning rooms…today the kids just did some discovery play. Bri didn’t really want to “do school” but then she and Jonah got out the all about letters and numbers and measurements workbooks that they have and “played” school. Sometimes those days are even better than real school days because they don’t actually realize all that they are learning!

From the kitchen…well, it was supposed to be a pork tenderloin in the crock pot, but I took it out yesterday to thaw and then…left it out ALL night in the sink so it was no good this morning! So now I get to find something else! Yea! (insert sarcasm here..and anger that $6.59 just went into the garbage! GRRR!!!!)

I am wearing…navy blue lounge pants and a light blue t-shirt.

I am creating…this blog post, and that’s about as creative as it’s going to get today I think. Unless I get to pull out the Cricut and work on something that I need to start.

I am going…no where and it’s wonderful!!!!

I am reading…Twilight, but only for the second time. You see, even with my major Twilight obsession after I read the first book I wanted everyone else I knew to read it, and well, I never got it back! So I went out the other day and bought another copy and I’m reading it again! (And totally loving it again! Stephanie Meyer, you are a genius!!!)

I am hoping…that I can find a way to help tame my little guy. Jonah has become such a force to be reckoned with! He is hitting and punching and screaming at everyone! Which is really frustrating and weird. It’s not like he comes from an abusive home where we’re always hitting and punching and screaming, but somewhere he learned to do them, and do them well! So now I’m praying for guidance to figure out what I can do to help remedy this behavior before someone gets hurt!

I am hearing…a baby rolling on the floor blowing raspberries! And occasionally squealing! It’s precious! (Except for the squealing because he squeals like a girl!!!)

Around the house…things are looking relatively put together. I need to clean out the fridge, which I will be doing once I post this and link it up. But other than, it’s been an OK week so far!

One of my favorite things…Watching my kiddos play on the swing set. My mom got them a swing set last summer and they love to be outside playing on it! It’s so fun to watch their childish enthusiasm..and it’s catching too because you just can’t help but to answer their pleas of “Mommy, come push me!” and “Mommy, catch me!”

A few plans for the rest of the week:
1) Micah’s well baby visit tomorrow (and nine month shots! YIKES!!!)
2) just enjoying the great weather!

Here is picture for thought I am sharing…Friday night Steven and I went to the cast party for the Drama club. It was sooo much fun! They divided us into 6 teams and each team was given the theme of a past show. Our team got the show “A Knight to Remember”, which obviously was a medieval show. So this was the “set” we put together. Pretty cool huh (especially for one meeting to make it, which I couldn’t attend. My contribution to this was the red table cloth and the gold runner!!!) The second picture is me with my team. We had to choose a scene from the show and we decided to do a song and dance called “Joust” which is to the song “Shout”. It was a blast and we had so much fun! I’m so glad I joined the drama club and got back on the stage again. I didn’t realize that I missed it as bad as I did until I got up there again! It’s like a drug, but a good one!

 Have a great week day! Find more Daybooks here at The Simple Woman’s Daybook.

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