
I remember when I converted to Catholicism Lent was a foreign concept to me. Don’t get me wrong I knew about it, even thought I knew what it was all about. I grew up in a predominantly Catholic area so I grew up to expectt that a few weeks leading up to Easter we’d have fish for lunch. My friends talked about “giving up” snacks or dessert or soda. We didn’t practice Lent though. It’s just not something that is done in the Mormon church so my first Lent was a very interesting experience. I was in RCIA and serious preparation for entrance in to the church was beginning. I don’t remember what I gave up but with a young baby and a toddler I’m pretty sure it was just a chaotic time and I probably didn’t do much. Since then Lent has been a hit or miss for me as far as prayer, fasting and almsgiving. I do really good some years and others I’m just in survival mode. A few years ago someone pointed out to me that Lent isn’t just about giving things up. They described how they chose to add something in that they don’t usually do in order to grow spiritually. I LOVED that idea. That year I started adding in a Rosary on Friday afternoons. It was probably my favorite Lent ever. One Lent I decided to give up listening to secular music and listened to nothing but Christian or Classical music. Again, a total winner. This year I’ve decided to add something and give up something.

I’ll be using this devotional that I found for free on Amazon to do a devotional through the names of Christ. I think this will be very interesting and will help me get back into a routine of spending some daily time with the Lord. I’m really hit or miss in this area of my life right now and I’d like to become more consistent. As part of my devotional time I plan on praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet, one of my absolute favorite meditations.

In January we participated in the K-Love 30 Day challenge and listened to nothing but Christian music for 30 days. I love how different my days feel when I do that. After the 30 days was over though the radio station got switched. Don’t get me wrong…I love pop music, country music, even a little rap now and then but I don’t feel the same when I listen to that music as I do when I listen to music that focuses on praising and uplifting. So for Lent I’m going back to only Christian music, with a little Classical and maybe some Jazz thrown in for good measure 🙂

I am also giving up wearing pants on Ash Wednesday, the Fridays of Lent and the Easter Triduum (Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday). I already am skirts and dresses only for Sundays so that would include Easter Sunday. Why am I doing this? I’m not really sure! I’ve always been fascinated with women who are dresses/skirts only. I felt convicted last year to go back to wearing only skirts and dresses to church again after years of wearing pants. When I was thinking about what I was going to give up this year this idea popped in to my head right away. I don’t know what might come out of it but I feel it was the Holy Spirit working in me so I’m just gonna go with it and see where it goes!  And just for some accountability I’ll be sharing my outfits here with you! So here’s todays’ outfit.

Glittery pink top: Walmart ($7!!)

Glittery pink top: Walmart ($7!!)

Black jersey knit skirt- Motherhood Maternity Black Footless tights: George at Walmart Fuschia flats: American Eagle for Payless ($10 on a BOGO!!!)

Black jersey knit skirt- Motherhood Maternity
Black Footless tights: George at Walmart
Fuschia flats: American Eagle for Payless ($10 on a BOGO!!!)

Close up of the flats. I love these shoes!!

Close up of the flats. I love these shoes!!

As a family we will be participating in Operation Rice Bowl by Catholic Relief Services as part of PSR service project. But I’ll post more about that on Friday. I hope you have a wonderful Ash Wednesday and a very blessed Lenten season.