It’s 2010!

And here comes the debate…are you pronouncing the new year “two thousand and ten” or “twenty-ten”? I’ve chosen to call it “twenty-ten” but apparently there is this big debate over what the appropriate pronunciation is. So, until I hear otherwise it’s “twenty-ten” for me!
Anyways, this all translates to “Happy New Year” and welcome to a new decade! Man, it feels weird to think that the first  decade of the new millennium is gone! I swear, the older I get, the faster the time flies by!

Thursday night Steven and I went to a New Years’ party at our friends Ken and Ximena. Ximena is from Ecuador and she invited over a lot of friends to share with them the traditions of Ecuador. Things like eating grapes at midnight (6 purple and 6 green, and you make a wish for the New Year with each grape that you eat.),  and running around the block with your carry on luggage with money in your shoe (if you want to travel and have money in the New Year.) It was a lot of fun, and the first time that Steven and I had been to a New Years’ Eve party, well, ever! We usually spend New Years’ at home with the kids, but it was really fun to spend it out with adults! After a great dinner all the ladies went downstairs and danced (with a disco ball!! FUN!) while the guys stayed upstairs and watched ESPN (yes, I’m serious!) It’s New Years’ Eve, but you still can’t steal them away from Sportscenter! MEN! After Midnight and the grapes and jog around the block, we went downstairs and did karaoke on the Wii. It was rather funny, especially ones the Spanish songs came out! It was a great time, and we’re really glad that we went! Here’s a picture of Steven and I…especially since I never put pictures up here of myself~
I’m usually against setting New Years’ Resolutions because I never keep them past January, but this year I have several goals that I want to reach (and family goals that we want to reach) so I’m thinking about doing the 101 goals in 1001 days project and setting goals for myself and the family as a whole. As I get that list completed I’ll post it here for all to see as a way to help keep us accountable.

And just some pictures of the boys that mom and I took this morning. Mom came around the corner into my
room this morning and Jonah was sitting in the laundry basket. So she snapped a few pictures. And then Micah woke up, so she put him in the basket too! So cute! (just ignore the unmade bed in the background!)

I hope you all had a wonderful New Years’ Eve and hope the 2010 is a great year for you all!

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